Impact Prep Middle School
Community Rules
Academic Community Rules
IMPACT PREP Middle School prohibits irresponsible behavior that causes interruptions to Community Learning. This includes cellphone use, missing class time, disruptions in the classroom, property destruction and other interruptions that have an adverse effect on community learning. Clear boundaries for appropriate school behavior and conduct are necessary to help keep our students and staff safe.
Community members are expected to refrain from behavior that inhibits their and other students’ ability to learn. We strive to maintain focus and engagement on the task at hand, and when we are unable to do so we ask for help or a break so that we can return ready to learn. We do not cause major distractions for ourselves or other students, and we do not damage learning materials. When we are upset and unable to be safe in a classroom, we ask for space and help to emotionally regulate.
Missing Class - Is identified as any time a student is away from in class learning for more than 10 minutes.
Major Classroom Disruptions - Is identified as incidents that greatly inhibit other students’ ability to have proper classroom learning.
Property Destruction - Is identified as any damage caused by a community member of any Springfield Public School Property. Ex. Laptop, desk, school supplies, bathrooms, lunchrooms, hallways, classrooms ext.
Inappropriate Use of Cellphone - Is identified as the use of a cellphone outside of the cafeteria during the school day.
Missing Class - 1hr of Community Repair.
Property Destruction - 1-3hrs of Community Repair.
Major Classroom Disruption - 1-2hrs of Community Repair.
Inappropriate Use of Cell Phone - 1 hour of Community Repair. If a student earns Community Repair for inappropriate use of cell phone, family and school will come to an agreement on student’s cell phone in school use moving forward. This may include leaving it in the main office during the day.
Please be advised that not all incidents are the same and each one will be handled accordingly.
Emotional Community Rules
IMPACT PREP Middle School prohibits irresponsible behavior that will cause a concern to someone’s Emotional Safety, such as inappropriate name calling, identity harming language, bullying, stealing and other actions. This creates an adverse effect on the emotional well-being of others. Clear boundaries for appropriate school behavior and conduct are necessary to help keep our students and staff safe.
Community members are expected to refrain from any identity harming language, bullying, stealing, or other conduct that may have an adverse effect on the emotional well-being of others on or around school grounds and buses. Conduct that causes emotional safety concerns to another student or members of the staff will be addressed according to the guidelines in this document.
Identity Harming Language - Is defined as any language that discriminates on the basis of identity. This language does not always hurt the person it is spoken to but may be harmful to other members of our community. Common examples are language that is derogatory to people of a given race, sexual orientation, or gender.
Bullying - Is defined as severe or repeated use by one or more students of a written, verbal, or electronic expression, or a physical act or gesture, or any combination thereof, directed at a person that has the effect of:
• causing physical or emotional harm to the victim or damage to the victim’s property; or
• placing the victim in reasonable fear of harm to him/herself or of damage to his/her property;
• creating a hostile environment at school for the victim;
• infringing on the rights of the victim at school
• materially and substantially disrupting the education process or the orderly operation of a school.
Bullying shall include cyber-bullying that happens while in the school building. Examples of bullying include but are not limited to:
• unwanted teasing
• threatening
• intimidating
• stalking
• cyberstalking
• cyber-bullying: through the use of technology or any electronic means or communication, writing, images, mail, internet communications, instant messages, and social media platforms
• physical violence
• theft
• sexual, religious, disability or racial harassment
• public humiliation.
• destruction of school or personal property
• social exclusion; and,
• rumor or spreading falsehoods
Is defined as taking someone’s property without permission
Identity harming language- 0-1 day of In School Suspension/Out of School Suspension in addition to 1-3hrs of Community Repair.
Bullying- The first notice will result in a warning and 1hr of Community Repair. An incident between the same students after a warning will result in a possible 0-5 days of In School Suspension/Out of School Suspension in addition to 5hrs Community Repair.
Stealing- 0-1day of In School Suspension/Out of School Suspension in addition to 1-5hrs Community Repair.
Please be advised that not all incidents are the same and each one will be handled accordingly.
Physical Community Rules
IMPACT PREP Middle School prohibits irresponsible behavior that will cause a concern to someone’s Physical Safety, such as fighting, horseplay, prohibited contraband, sexual harassment, threatening and other unsafe actions because it creates an adverse effect on the physical well-being of others. Clear boundaries for appropriate school behavior and conduct are necessary to help keep our students and staff safe.
Community members are expected to be safe with their hands and words. They are expected to refrain from fighting, video recording any physical altercations, "horseplay," instigating a fight or other conduct that may have an adverse effect on the physical well-being of others on or around school grounds and buses. Conduct that threatens intimidates, or coerces another student or members of the staff will be addressed according to the guidelines below.
Fighting - Is defined as a Physical altercation between two people, or when two or more persons participate in physical violence that may require physical intervention, restraint, or results in physical injury
Threatening Others - Is defined as to pose a danger to someone or something, or to make someone believe you pose a danger by making verbal or physical statements indicating an intent to harm them. This does not include statements that are made and received as a joke from all parties involved.
Contraband - Is defined as items that are prohibited from school for example weapons, drugs, pornography.
Sexual Harassment - Is defined as any unwelcomed touching, threatening to touch, inappropriate verbal suggestions/propositions
Horseplay - Is defined as rough or rowdy play or pranks. Horseplay may include- but is not limited to- activities such as posturing, joking using physical contact, (dunking), grabbing, slapping the back of a person’s head, snatching hats or clothing off someone, playing tag indoors, or social pressure to participate in unsafe acts, harassment or unauthorized contest/challenges (i.e. TikTok Challenges) etc., with or without consent.
Out of Bounds - Is defined as anytime a student willingly goes outside of school grounds without staff permission, including but not limited to other schools in the building, walking outside the school, or leaving school property.
Fighting- 1-5 days of In-School Suspension /Out of School Suspension in addition to 3-5hrs of Community Repair.
Horseplaying- 1-3 hrs of Community Repair.
Contraband - 1-5 days of In-School Suspension/Out of School Suspension in addition to 1-5hrs of Community Repair.
Threatening Others- 1 hr of Community Repair
Sexual Harassment- 1-5 days of In School Suspension/Out of School Suspension in addition to 1-5 hrs of Community Repair
Out Of Bounds - 0-2 days of In School Suspension in addition to 1-5 hours of Community Repair
Please be advised that not all incidents are the same and each one will be handled accordingly.